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Telescope is for anyone who is unhappy and unfulfilled in their current career, and wants a very well designed and proven method to discover their dream career and make a realistic plan to achieve it.


After four years of running Telescope as a successful 1-1 career change programme my online course version is now available. ​​It has all the tried and tested exercises of the 1-1 programme, plus a few more because I've also included a module on Setting you up for Success which includes lessons on Establishing Positive Habits and Creating the Conditions for Flow. 

  • 51 lessons across 5 modules, each with a short video and downloadable resources where relevant.

  • Take them at your own pace depending on your situation. As a guide, if you were to establish a habit of working on the course 1-2hrs per week then you could expect to complete it within four months.

  • £199 with 30day money back guarantee

  • Discounted 1-1 coaching sessions available within the course if extra support is desired

​Buy now, or read on to learn more about Telescope and to watch the 1st two videos of the course.​​​​​​​


The Telescope programme aims to help you take a journey from uncertainty about your present career and not knowing what your next step might be, through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for you, and a plan for how to create it.

The programme uses a rigorous AND inspiring methodology based on research into best practice in career evaluation and transition, backed up with my own experience as a life and career coach.

It draws on your own innate resourcefulness to help you identify an exciting and viable new career direction. The programme provides interesting and engaging exercises and profound guided meditations which will bring out that creativity and resourcefulness in you and direct it toward discovering the right next step for your working life.​

The programme has been designed in three phases, each of which has been named after an inspiring quotation from Mark Twain:


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Watch this sample video from the course as I unpack the programme's three phases of Explore, Dream, Discover and a fourth element Headspace which supports all of those three.

Telescope Programme Packages


Course modules

Send me any questions


I worked in finance for 30 years in various corporations, I built my career and enjoyed my job for most of that time, towards the end, however I started feeling dissatisfied, the job no longer fulfilled me.  When I took a redundancy and left the corporate world, I thought I knew what I would do next, but I changed my mind shortly after, I couldn’t decide on my next career choice.  After a year of fruitless searching I decided to take action and join Quentin’s Telescope programme.


I wasn’t sure exactly how the programme would help me nail down my next move but having had some experience with coaching in the past, I knew that this could reveal some useful insights. I’m glad to say I had underestimated how powerful this programme would be, it gave me clarity on what really matters to me and how to achieve it, so now I am working to transition from accounting in a corporate environment to photography to highlight ways in which we can travel sustainably. 


Documentary photography feels right for me and  I’m very excited to learn new skills and make a start in my new profession.  I have begun a photography course, I have enrolled in a creative writing course which is starting soon and I am also working on educating myself on sustainability and environmental issues

Gisella, London UK and Barcelona Spain

Telescope Written Testimonials


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