If you’re ready for a change, then you’ve likely been unhappy or unfulfilled in your current career for a while, perhaps years. Has it reached the point where enough is enough?
If so, the prospect of doing what you’re doing in five years doesn’t fill you with joy. It fills you with dread. The idea of being promoted to your boss’ role might be attractive in terms of the extra money, but really feels like a further step in the wrong direction.
You likely feel like something is missing. On the surface your job seems fine, other people probably view you as lucky, but for you, beyond a valued regular pay check, it just doesn’t feel fully you.
Perhaps you’re feeling like you’re not using all your strengths? Or perhaps your current role lacks purpose for you. Even if you don’t have an explicitly defined life purpose you will know if what you’re doing doesn’t feel meaningful to you anymore.
It can be easy to stay where you are, covering up a growing sense of dissatisfaction by keeping busy, or telling yourself it’s too risky to change. And you likely don’t have clarity or conviction about what you want to change to anyway.
If you’re ready to start exploring what a Plan A life and career looks like then you’re in the right place. Read on to see how the Telescope programme can guide you through the journey from being stuck and unhappy to gaining clarity on exactly the career you want to shift to and a solid plan to achieve it.
Or if you would prefer to talk it through with me then book a free 45min career change call.
The Telescope programme aims to help you take a journey from uncertainty about your present career and not knowing what your next step might be, through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for you, and a plan for how to create it.
The programme uses a rigorous AND inspiring methodology based on research into best practice in career evaluation and transition, backed up with my own experience as a life and career coach.
It draws on your own innate resourcefulness to help you identify an exciting and viable new career direction. The programme provides interesting and engaging exercises and profound guided meditations which will bring out that creativity and resourcefulness in you and direct it toward discovering the right next step for your working life.

The programme has been designed in three phases, each of which has been named after an inspiring quotation from Mark Twain:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Telescope Phases: Explore - Dream - Discover + Headspace
Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers which reflect who they really are; careers which reflect their true nature and their real passions; careers which draw on their innate strengths and employ their favourite skills; careers which allow them to honour their deeply-held values.
Because of this, the foundation of this programme entails a deep look into who you are. This is an absolutely essential part of the programme and it’s most powerful to consider at as a life-long investment into your self awareness and what you have to offer the world.
This is the EXPLORE part of the programme. During this phase, you’ll get a clear idea of:
Your values
Your life purpose
Your most powerful self
Your personal strengths
Your interests and passions
Your personal achievements
Everything you need in your life to be happy and fulfilled
This knowledge is about you as a person, your life as a whole.
The next layer is about your work preferences. You’ll work to identify:
Your favourite job skills
Your key work motivators
Your professional strengths
Your greatest work achievements
Your preferred working organisation and environment your ideal working day
Everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied.
You will summarise all this rich information on a Life Star and Work Star. As we work through the EXPLORE process, I’ll ask you to note your key learning in these Star formats. When complete, your Stars will provide a richly coloured snapshot of who you are and what you need in order to be happy in your life and work.
By the end of the EXPLORE phase, you will be very clear about what you must have in your career to be satisfied and motivated. The two Stars act as the acid test/benchmark for evaluating any career ideas or job opportunities going forward.
A parallel process begins in Week 2: you will open an Ideas Bank. This is a space where you can capture any career possibilities which come up throughout the early weeks of the programme, including ideas that you may have had in mind before beginning this programme. However mild, however wild the ideas – do not judge them but just place them in the Ideas Bank, ready to be evaluated later in the light of what we find out about you during the first phase of the programme.
The next phase is DREAM. This is a very creative part of the programme in which you’ll generate a number of possible new career choices. We call it DREAM because the idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, not to be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. In truth, almost anything is possible if it’s right for you. And we will deal with making it possible in the final phase, DISCOVER.
We will then explore the most attractive ideas in some detail and then finally narrow these down to between one and three strong possibilities which will then be explored in detail in the DISCOVER phase, which is the final part of the programme.
DISCOVER is the point where we investigate the top possibility that was generated in the DREAM phase. We will use a creative and empowering process which lets you turn your vision for an exciting career that’s right for you into a soundly based action plan to make it happen.
While the above three phases constitute the overall framework, throughout all phases we will stay connected to a 4th coaching space: HEADSPACE. In fact we will start with this and keep connecting to this throughout the programme. This will enable you to think clearly with an empowered mindset, and to have the energy to get the most value from the programme.
You have three ways to do the Telescope programme, depending on how much personal support you want and your budget.
You can purchase the online course below, however to join the 1-1 or Group programmes you will need to have a free career change call with Quentin to ensure you're a good fit and are set up to generate maximum value from the programme.
If you're needing more information then there's a larger info pack I'd be happy to send you - just request it via the form below.
If you're unsure which option will best serve you then just book a free 45min career change call with Quentin using the button below. You will get clear on whether you are a good fit for Telescope in general and also the package that's the best fit for you.

Programme duration typically 3.5 months
x14 2hr coaching sessions with a group of up to 10 people with an allocated buddy
x20 homework exercises typically requiring 2-3hrs homework between sessions
Full price £999 payable in x3 monthly instalments of £333
Discounted price £900 for full payment at start of programme